Friday, 3 September 2010
Free information Day September 27th 2010
A free Information day on reminiscence, recording and life story books.
Newhaven parish church, 7 Craighall road, Newhaven. EH6 4ND.
Workshops will be on Recording and making reminiscence books and using Reminiscence resources. There will also be an Edinburgh slide show.
Refreshments and sandwiches available.
Please contact if you would like to come along, individuals or groups.
The photographic Archive
Good news and bad news on this score. Bad news being it will unavailable for a while yet. Good news- its going to look far better when it returns. Much more searchable,and we will be adding to it.
If there is any one who would like to volunteer to become involved in the 'revamping' of the archive please contact.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Volunteers Needed for New Life Story Book Project
Volunteers will receive full training in both reminiscence and recording skills as well as in using all relevant IT packages.
Volunteers will need to undergo an enhanced Disclosure paid for by the Living Memory Association. Volunteer expenses such as local travel will be met by the Living Memory Association.
For further information please contact Shula at the Living Memory Association at or at 0131 661 3222
Friday, 14 May 2010
27th May Information Day
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Free Information Day 27th May 2010
There will be stalls, an old Edinburgh slide show and workshops. All relating to reminiscence.
Workshop. 10.30. Recording skills. Basic advice on how to record interviews and what equipment to use.
11.00. Workshop. Reminiscence taster and quiz.
11.30 Old Edinburgh slide show
12.00 to 1pm lunch time. Sandwiches, tea, coffee and cake provided.
1pm to 2pm. Workshop. Reminiscence resources. Using memorabilia and handling boxes to prompt memories. We will be using our own handling boxes plus Anne Munro will be demonstrating the Pilmeny Project's ethnic minority boxes.
2pm old Edinburgh slide show.
Come and join us for a blether.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Ploughing the old fashioned way

Well spring is here and the farmers are busy out on their tractors in Macmerry ploughing the fields. Here's a scene from a quieter time. Ploughing using real horse power. It might be quicker with a tractor but the old ways saw the beauty of man and horse working together.
Macmerry was well known for its heavy horses and a film was made in the 1950s of the last of the horse men of Macmerry. Who knows with the price of oil ever rising we might see the return of the heavy horses of Macmerry.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Transcribing project
The RCN transcribing project is nearing the end. The transcribers have done a really great job transcribing approx. 500 hours of interviews from the RCN archives. There are only a few left to be completed and then the last batch of DVDs can be handed over. Well done everybody and many thanks!
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Macmerry for the cup!

Move over Hearts and Hibs, its Macmerry for the cup.
Formed in 1872, the Macmerry football team of "Macmerry St Clair" was a regular in the junior football league for many a year winning some twelve cups and trophies between 1912 and 1918.
From the look of some of the lads in the photo they could take on some of today's big boys and give them a good run for their money.
Sadly the team is no longer in existence but with long memories and loads of enthusiasm in the village that might well change. So look out all you premier league teams Macmerry might be challenging you in the future!
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Maps, mysteries and much much more

Thursday, 14 January 2010
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
Handling Boxes

Thursday, 7 January 2010
Use of space.
When it does we would really like to encourage more folk to come and visit us. As you will see from the photo we have a large bar area. That's me tending bar and John leaning on it! No... sorry to disappoint that's part of Jean Taylor's excellent pub model, created for our 'Social History of Drinking' exhibition.
What we do have is a cosy and evocative reminiscence area. Plenty of comfy seating and crammed full of interesting old objects and photos.
Its all very 'hands on' and it's a great place for a blether and to reminisce.
We can take groups of up to 20 and the reminiscence area is fully wheelchair accessible. There is parking for up to three cars in our courtyard and plenty of free parking on the main street. The 42 bus stops by the village.
We run our own groups here but if you would like to visit or use the space please don't hesitate to contact us.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
A Happy and Healthy 2010.