Tuesday 7 April 2009

Edinburgh Memories

A wonderful new book containing local people’s stories from between the wars has just been published. It includes stories and photographs about childhood and schooldays, work and play, sport and leisure. It is available from all good bookshops and direct from the LMA

Sikh Sanjog

Sikh Sanjog offer services for sikh women in Edinburgh. The LMA is currently offering reminiscence training to help with their new Heritage Lottery Project which seeks to foster a greater understanding between the generations in the sikh community.

Gracemount Primary School

The LMA has been working with the teachers and pupils in the primary school on a variety of topics: Granny’s Kitchen, Recycling and Childhood Games. This involved bringing older people in the community into the school to share their memories and experiences with the pupils. The most recent session was on Scots Words with a primary 5 class.

Astley Ainslie Hospital

We’re currently running reminiscence sessions at the hospital for a group of people recovering from strokes. This has proved to be a lively wee group. We bring along memorabilia to stimulate memories or sometimes present a slide projection of photographs of Edinburgh.

Monday 6 April 2009

Reminiscence Drama


A drama production between the LMA and QMUC Drama Students was based on a series of reminiscence workshops with local older people's groups. The theme of the drama was childhood games from the past. In the play, the central character, a Rag and Bone man, keeps alive old games and stories. It successfully combined live action and puppetry.

Performances of, Raa-Boh! took place in six primary schools in East Lothian and these were complimented with workshops for the pupils on drama and puppet-making. The project culminated with a public performance at the Brunton Theatre on Friday 3rd April.

Thanks to Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice who provided the funding for the project.