Wednesday 16 December 2009

Macmerry Christmas

Well a very Mac Merry Christmas to everyone.

The school is full of tinsel and glitter as the children prepare for December the 25th. Making decorations we talked about Christmas in times past.

So what was Christmas like before Gogo Hamsters and Nintendo Wii? Tangarines, boxes of dates, paper chains and Mums that made their own mince pies. Morecombe and Wise on the telly and Christmas Carols on the radio. Christmas in the olden days sounded like lots of fun and everyone went off to see what their Grannies and Granddads could remember.
So seasons greeting from everyone in Mcamerry and here's a Christmas puzzle for you all - whats a bubbly-jock?

Wednesday 2 December 2009

The story continues

Sunday 29th November saw the Macmerry Lives project visit Gladsmuir church to talk about the Macmerry project and gather more volunteers.

The tiny church made us very welcome as we were interviewed by the Minister Robin Hill as part of the service. And we thought we were supposed to be the ones doing the interviewing! After the service some of the congregation looked at some old photos of Macmerry suggesting names for some of those even from the 1920s. We also had several folk putting us right about some of the tall tales told about the airfield during the second world war. New contacts were made, old memories were revived and everyone promised to look out their old photos.

Plans for the new year, including an "experts day" were discussed and lots of goodwill generated. We have promised to return and next time we'll interview the minister.