Wednesday 28 April 2010

Ploughing the old fashioned way

Well spring is here and the farmers are busy out on their tractors in Macmerry ploughing the fields. Here's a scene from a quieter time. Ploughing using real horse power. It might be quicker with a tractor but the old ways saw the beauty of man and horse working together.
Macmerry was well known for its heavy horses and a film was made in the 1950s of the last of the horse men of Macmerry. Who knows with the price of oil ever rising we might see the return of the heavy horses of Macmerry.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Transcribing project

Nearly done...
The RCN transcribing project is nearing the end. The transcribers have done a really great job transcribing approx. 500 hours of interviews from the RCN archives. There are only a few left to be completed and then the last batch of DVDs can be handed over. Well done everybody and many thanks!